What if I am a breast cancer patient taking the prescription Tamoxifen? Can I use Julva?Updated 10 months ago
As a precaution, if you are currently using Tamoxifen I do not recommend using Julva without your oncologist’s approval.
The research on Tamoxifen has shown:
ORAL DHEA (systemic) converting to estrogen can interfere with Tamoxifen use and can decrease its effectiveness when blood serum levels of DHEAS are > or = 90 microg/dL.
Once off of Tamoxifen, I have no hesitation in recommending Julva to breast cancer survivors.
Femara/Letrozole (an aromatase inhibitor) does not appear to be affected by DHEA use and may be a better alternative should your oncologist agree. Some studies have in fact shown that breast cancer patients on aromatase inhibitors appear to benefit from higher levels of DHEAS and experience less musculoskeletal pain.
If you are concerned about the risk for blood clots: Consult with your primary care physician before trying Julva. We know that oral estrogen can increase blood clots; however trans-dermal estrogen, progesterone, & DHEA have not been shown to increase blood clots at all.
Final thoughts on breast cancer survivors and Julva:
Certainly, all women having had or having breast cancer need to be super proactive about their health. I highly recommend these women have a serum Vitamin D (25 OH) test and maintain a level of 80 in the blood. You can get a blood test to check that along with other key markers at: https://www.ultalabtests.com/drannacabeca/Item/Item/Dr-Anna-s-Key-Marker-Panels
Mighty Maca™ Plus and our Keto-Alkaline protein shake are great additions to your nutrition regimen and checking your urine pH to keep it alkaline is also recommended for optimal health. You can use our Keto-pH urine test strips to measure urine pH.