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Girl Talk

My nights are nothing but hot flashes and sleeplessness. What can I do?

The good news is, it’s not in your head, it’s in your physiology. Your mother hormone, progesterone, is in decline and that means more stress, anxiety, hot flashes and sleepless nights. Add into the mix all the challenges of a busy life, and your pro

What can I do about a leaky bladder?

Some women say to me, “Every time I sneeze, I pee.” Here’s what I tell them: your bladder is controlled by muscles, and as you get older there is a natural decline in muscle strength. The opening of your urethra, which is surrounded by muscles, is no

Is Keto good for women over 40?

The answer is no, not the traditional approach to Keto, and here’s why: Traditional Keto leads to acidity and that creates stress for our bodies. As women, we need far more alkalinity than men, and one of the best ways to achieve that is with nutrien