Can I still use Dr Anna’s products even if I am Postmenopausal?Updated a year ago
Yes, absolutely. Dr Anna’s products are for perimenopausal, menopausal and postmenopausal women.
Dr Anna says, "As menopause ends, you enter post menopause—which can actually be quite liberating, a new place of centeredness, and a potentially very rewarding phase of life. You begin to reassess your life and goals. You’re more inclined to say, “What shall I do in the next season of my life?”
Often postmenopausal women suffer with elevated insulin, cortisol and combined with lower estrogen and progesterone (Balance is beautiful during this time to help balance literally) - this is why often you hear some "older gals" suffer with osteoporosis and heart disease too..
That is exactly why Dr Anna has her Menopause Kit. Suitable for women during or after Menopause!