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The Girlfriend Doctor, Dr. Anna Cabeca logo

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Dosage & Usage

What is the recommended dosage?

We recommend starting with one scoop (1/2 scoop if your body is not accustomed to high quality adrenal support and greens or if you're usually sensitive to supplements). As your body detoxes, you can then work your way up to 2 or 3 scoops daily. A sc

What are the directions for use? Can we drink it in a hot beverage?

Mighty Maca tastes great! You can mix it in water, juice, hot tea or with your favorite shake/smoothie. Mighty Maca tastes great in a hot tea with lemon juice. Mix it up and be creative with your Mighty Maca routine!.

What time of day should I take it?

Everyone is different so listen to your body and see how you do with it. Start with taking it at the same time in the morning or mid afternoon and see if you also need a scoop later in the afternoon. It is energizing but not a stimulant. Dr Anna has

Can Men use Mighty Maca?

Yes, Men can certainly take Mighty Maca® Plus and we have many men who are customers. Mighty Maca® Plus is great because it helps alkalize the body, balances hormones naturally, decreases inflammation which is common in chronic diseases, it helps rec

Will Morning Alkalizing drink with Mighty Maca break my fast?

The answer about breaking your fast is this: It depends on what you are trying to achieve. There are so many types of fasts.  With Keto-Green, we are trying to get our body into Ketosis and be a fat burner; but most importantly become Alkaline!  Dr A

Dosage of Mighty Maca Menopause Capsules

6 capsules a day are optimal, but it could take some days getting used to them if you are new to Mighty Maca® Menopause Capsules. Start out at 3 and increase from there.